Final Warning Issued For Pakistani Players in New Zealand
Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chief Executive Officer Wasim Khan on Thursday revealed that six players had tested positive for COVID-19, according to the New Zealand’s sports body. Read More: PAKISTANI CRICKET PLAYERS IN TROUBLE
The New Zealand Cricket, according to Khan, has claimed that Pakistani cricketers infringed three to four health standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Wasim Khan added that the government of New Zealand had a “zero tolerance policy” towards the COVID-19 safety protocols. Their board has given the Pakistan cricket team a “final warning” to cohere to the safety guidelines.
“I think it is a difficult time, it won’t be easy for you all,” he said in a message intended to the cricketers. “This concerns the prestige and integrity of the country. Please follow Coronavirus safety protocols for the next 14 days,” he added.
The PCB chief said the New Zealand Cricket had notified that any further violation of the SOPs would result in the Pakistan cricket team being sent back home. “If the team is sent back home, it will result in shame for the entire country,” he said.
In a final warning to the players, he reiterated that the New Zealand government will not compromise on the issue of health and SOPs.